4 min read

Simplified Facility Condition Assessments for Small Teams: A Practical Guide

Alex Cummings
June 13, 2024

Simplified Facility Condition Assessments for Small Teams: A Practical Guide

Following our in-depth discussion on comprehensive Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs), we recognize that small teams may not always have the resources to perform detailed, formal assessments. However, maintaining facility health and efficiency is equally crucial for smaller organizations. This blog will guide you on how to perform simplified FCAs, input findings into a CMMS like FlowPath, and execute maintenance tasks effectively without the extensive detail of a formal assessment.

Simplified Facility Condition Assessment Components

To start, small teams can create a basic inventory of critical assets such as HVAC systems, electrical panels, plumbing, and structural components. Recording essential details like asset location, age, and any known issues provides a foundation for tracking and maintaining these assets.

Next, conducting quick visual inspections is vital. Regular walk-throughs help in identifying obvious signs of wear, damage, or malfunction. Using a smartphone to take photos of any issues can aid in record-keeping and future reference. Additionally, performing basic operational tests ensures that key systems, such as HVAC units, are functioning correctly. Identifying safety hazards like exposed wiring or leaks during these inspections is also crucial.

A simplified condition rating system can be very effective. Using a straightforward scale such as Good, Fair, and Poor allows for easy assessment based on visual inspections and performance checks. Assigning priority levels (High, Medium, Low) to these issues helps in prioritizing maintenance tasks effectively.

Inputting Findings into a CMMS

Entering data into a CMMS involves creating records for each critical asset and logging inspection findings, including photos and condition ratings. Generating work orders for identified issues and categorizing them by priority ensures that high-priority tasks are addressed first. Scheduling routine preventive maintenance based on asset condition and manufacturer recommendations helps keep assets in good working order.

Updating asset records with any maintenance activities, including repairs and part replacements, and tracking the progress of work orders in the CMMS ensures timely completion and accountability.

Executing Maintenance Tasks

Executing maintenance tasks begins with prioritizing them based on their urgency. Addressing high-priority issues first helps prevent critical failures and safety hazards. Performing routine maintenance tasks as scheduled maintains asset functionality and reliability.

Resource allocation is another critical aspect. Assigning tasks to team members based on their skills and availability, ensuring each task is clearly defined and understood, and making sure the necessary tools and materials are available for each task can prevent delays and improve efficiency.

Documenting the completion of work orders in the CMMS, noting any actions taken and parts used, and generating simple reports to review maintenance activities helps in identifying recurring issues and adjusting maintenance plans accordingly.

Tips for Success

Regular inspections, even with a simplified approach, are key to identifying issues early and preventing costly repairs. Ensuring that team members are trained on basic inspection techniques and the use of the CMMS is crucial. Fostering open communication within the team to ensure that any issues are promptly reported and addressed enhances the overall effectiveness of the maintenance process. Periodically reviewing and adjusting the simplified FCA process can lead to continuous improvement in efficiency and effectiveness.


Performing simplified Facility Condition Assessments and leveraging a CMMS like FlowPath can help small teams maintain their facilities effectively without the need for extensive formal assessments. By focusing on basic inventory, quick visual inspections, performance checks, and simplified condition ratings, small teams can ensure that their facilities remain safe and operational. Using a CMMS like FlowPath to manage and track maintenance tasks further enhances efficiency, allowing teams to prioritize and execute tasks with confidence. Implement these practices to keep your facilities in top condition and support the smooth operation of your organization.

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